Why Medicated Shoes?

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When people’s concern on health increases, a good market place has been created for medicated shoes. The way it contributes to your good health is simply undeniable. At Bio Foot, we have created the best market place for medicated shoes in Dubai. We always make our customers aware of the bundle of benefits which could be achieved by wearing our range of medicated shoes.

Medicated shoes are specially made for patients in certain diseases to relieve their discomfort. Disorders that often require these shoes mainly include sugar disorders and foot defects. Our Product range has been designed keeping abreast with the Cad-Cam Technology to flag Bio Foot as the provider for the best medicated footwear in Dubai.

In reality, most of us suffer from foot pain at one point or another and the problem probably comes from the shoes we wear. In short, if a shoe does not fit the natural shape of your foot, it will pose you many problems that could have adverse effects on your health in the course of time. Realizing this we have introduced a range of orthopedic shoes which fit your feet perfectly yielding comfort and convenience for you. Our orthopedic shoes deserve a considerable place when talking about the medicated shoes in Dubai.

Ordinary shoes are often made of cheap materials but are not designed to offer support where most people need it. It should not be believed that ordinary shoes are not suitable for certain people. But we guarantee that our medicated shoes give many benefits, including improved posture and solution for the sore feet.

Our range of Medicated shoes are available as normal everyday shoes, as sports or bathing shoes and as slippers. Orthopedic safety shoes are also manufactured for professional use. Once you buy a pair of a medical shoes from us, you will be eternally thankful to us for reliving the pressure of the feet, stabilizing the foot bed and reducing the pain while walking. They also enable natural rolling movement and compensate the leg length differences.

We recommend you to try our medicated shoes if you experience the signs of foot discomfort. You may experience it in many ways. If you suffer from the forms of foot misalignment such as hollow foot or clubfoot,

You can find solace from a pair of medicated shoes from us. Our products also cater to the patients having circulation and sensation disorders with ulcer formation in diabetic foot syndrome. If you seek stabilization of the residual foot after amputation of foot parts, we would be at help. Our medicated foot wear is amply beneficial also for the patients suffering from Osteoarthritis in the ankle or in the tarsal joints. Apart from these benefits, our variety of our products contribute to heal Paralysis in the leg region, Rheumatic diseases in the foot, joint instability and difference in the leg length more than three centimeters.

We can proudly say that we dominate the market for medicated footwear in Dubai. Our customers always revisit with very positive remarks and feedback being fully satisfied with the medical footwear we produce.

800 FOOT (3668)