What exactly are orthopedic shoes?
Everyone is familiar with the newest set of sneakers in stores or the newest celebrity line of kicks out in the market. However for some of us, that have to deal with miniscule foot deformities or other conditions which makes it a struggle to conform to simply any style of shoe out in our favorite sneaker store, extra precaution must be taken to not just protect our feet from further damage which could be caused through sticking to wearing uncomfortable footwear such as pumps and high heels, but to also ensure that our condition improves with time and the right footwear that enables this healing process.
Orthopedic shoes in Dubai, not only make this a possibility but also provide you with the chance to have personalized shoes so that your individual condition could be specifically treated without you having to resort to more generalized shoes with the basic support features, such as insoles with support and balance and extra straps for stability.
How do I know which shoe to purchase?
It is advisable that you consult your podiatrist first and discuss and analyze the real situation with regard to medical condition you have, so that you know what type of shoes you need to look for, as each type of shoe is designed to remedy a specific trait of your feet, or a specific deformity. Some common conditions that could be supported through the use of medicated footwear include diabetes, plantar fasciitis and genu varum.
For those of you dealing with ankle and foot joints which have been misaligned, are irregular, abnormal, these medicated shoes generally have units embedded in them to relieve you of any metatarsal pain, heel pain or arch pain which could rise as a result of these abnormalities of your feet.
Your doctor will then prescribe the required insole height as well as the specific number of straps needed, which will vary depending on the support you need, as well as the stability you need for when you walk. Some shoes include extra cushioning to add comfort.
Are they customizable?
These medicated shoes have now come a great distance and with its high demand, they are certainly customizable, whether it is slippers you’re looking for or shoes or even sandals. You could describe the places as to where you are intending your shoes and your podiatrist will prescribe the features essential for you. for example, if you wish to have a pair of sandals to wear to the beachside, you doctor will state that your shoes need to be fatigue proof, and that they need to prevent your toes from clinging and that a heel cup needs to be installed so that your heel will feel less strain when walking in the sand.